Experiential Learning

Starting in Fall 2017, the Asian Studies Center is pleased to offer experiential learning opportunities, allowing students to learn more about Asia outside of the classroom. Please see below for some of these opportunities!

Mentorship Program


  • What study abroad programs might be a good fit for you, and how you can afford them?
  • Which Asian Studies classes are right for you from a student perspective?
  • How to find internships or advanced degree programs that take align with your interest and expertise in Asia?
  • What kinds of careers are available to Asia-focused graduates both here and abroad?
  • How you can best promote your global experience?

Join our mentorship program! The center will match first and second year students with third and fourth year students with similar interests as a way to help create community and build knowledge about opportunities in and related to Asia. We will also help support the cost of mentor/mentee meetings, as well as organize alumni and career oriented meet-and-greets over the course of the year. Students who complete the mentorship program will receive recognition.

Please contact Emily Rook-Koepsel (rookkoepsel@pitt.edu), with your name, year in school, geographic area of focus, and potential subject of interest (e.g. pop culture, film, banking in Asia, humanities graduate school, managing health sciences and Asian Studies topics).


Partnership for Advancing Globalized Education

In collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Education, the Asian Studies Center is offering a 3-credit internship opportunity, designed for a full-time Pitt undergraduate student interested in secondary social studies education. Preference will be given to students who are currently enrolled in the ASC Undergraduate Certificate Program in Asian Studies.

Under the supervision of a School of Education faculty member, a graduate student in Pitt’s Masters of Teaching (MAT) program, and an experienced high school teacher, the selected ASC undergraduate intern will develop a unit plan related to Asian history and/or current affairs that is suitable for a secondary social studies classroom in a Pittsburgh area school. To do this, the intern will enroll in a 3-credit Education course in spring 2022 in order to complete a series of classroom observations, readings and reflections; co-teach several lessons with the MAT student supervisor, and develop a portfolio detailing these experiences.

Because of the University’s pandemic response postures as well as school district concerns, it is possible that some of this year’s engagement with the classroom will take place virtually.

To apply, please submit this competed application form, along with an unofficial transcript showing all previous college-level academic work, to Emily Rook-Koepsel, rookkoepsel@pitt.edu  by October 15, 2021.

If you have any questions or are interested in ASC’s Partnership for Advancing Globalized Education, please contact Emily Rook-Koepsel, Assistant Director of Academic Affairs.