For Alumni

 “Our students, current and former, are what CLAS is all about.”

Enabling students to undertake in-depth study and research on Latin America and the Caribbean is a primary goal of CLAS. CLAS alumni thus represent the achievement of this goal. During their studies at Pitt, CLAS students forge a special relationship with their peers as well as with the staff and faculty of Latin American Studies. We want this to continue! We want CLAS alumni to know about the accomplishments of the Center and to return to campus to participate in special events. We therefore need to hear from you -- our alumni -- about events and happenings in your lives (from personal to professional).

To help CLAS keep informed about its alumni, we ask you to contact us through whatever means you find most convenient (e-mail, telephone, letter, or the Internet). In addition to our desire to know what the alumni of CLAS are doing, information about alumni is crucial to our continued success.

As a National Resource Center (NRC) for Latin America (as designated by the U.S. Department of Education), CLAS is required to report on its alumni as part of its effort to maintain and acquire funding for its operations and programs. CLAS is one of only about 20 NRCs for Latin America in the nation. (Others have included Duke/North Carolina, Wisconsin, Harvard, Tulane, and Berkeley -- quite prestigious company!) NRC designation is important to our current and former students, faculty, and teachers in the region. As an NRC, we receive funding that allows us to:

  • offer courses in Latin American music, art, Quechua and Portuguese;
  • provide fellowships;
  • and sponsor a film series, conferences, workshops, and many other educational activities.

To fill out our Alumni Form please click here.

Contributing to CLAS - CLAS greatly appreciates donations in any amount to help support financially its programs, activities, and operations. If you are interested in making a donation to CLAS, please click here.