Contributing to CLAS

Founded in 1964, Pitt’s Center of Latin American Studies is one of the premier area studies program, having served thousands of faculty and students in pursuing their educational interests, academic research, and study abroad opportunities.  Especially in these challenging economic times, our continued growth and success are reliant on the generosity of donors. From your student days, you may remember a special class, project, or study abroad trip.  We invite you to help make those life-changing experiences available to more students!

Please consider donating to our general fund, or any of the specialty funds described below. We are also open to discussing special projects and/or creating new named funds.  Please contact us with any questions, and thank you for your support.



Click on this link. Before following the link, please read the instructions below.

  • On the donation page, under designations, click on: "CHOOSE AREA(S) TO SUPPORT"
      • Fill out donor and contact information
  • To specify where you would like your funds to go within CLAS, you need to fill out:
    • "ADDITIONAL GIFT INSTRUCTIONS" (See below for the list of Program/Category options for donations and continue with payment.)

NOTE: If you encounter an issue with this page, click here and follow the "GIVE NOW" button at the top of the page.



Please print the CLAS Gift Form, make your check payable to "University of Pittsburgh" and send the check and form to:

C/O Associate Director
Center for Latin American Studies
University Center for International Studies
University of Pittsburgh
4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall
230 South Bouquet Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA


With a minimum commitment of $25,000, an endowed fund may be established and named in honor or memory of the donor, a designated person, or an entity. Please contact or call 412-648-7395, for further information regarding this donation option.



  • The Shirley Kregar Scholarship Fund
    Supports study and research by undergraduate students in Latin America.
  • Research and Teaching Fund
    Supports faculty and student research, faculty and student travel to professional meetings, conferences/symposium/workshops, courses, curriculum development, lectures, and performances.
  • Center for Latin American Studies Endowed Student Resource Fund
    Established in honor of Luz Amanda Hank and Luis Van Fossen Bravo for their significant contributions to the Center for Latin American Studies. Note: upon their retirement the fund name will be revised to the Luz Amanda Hank and Luis Van Fossen Bravo Endowed Fund.  Provides financial support for travel and other educational expenses to undergraduate students who are conducting research in Latin America.
  • Eduardo Lozano Memorial Dissertation Award Fund
    Provides a cash award for the best doctoral dissertation at the University of Pittsburgh on a topic related to Latin America, the Caribbean, or Latin American communities in other countries.
  • Brazilian Studies Program Fund
    Supports Visiting Brazilian Scholars and events/activities that focus on Brazil (including conferences/symposium/workshops, courses, curriculum development, lectures, and performances).
  • Fabiola Aguirre Scholarship Fund
    Supports full or partial scholarships for female students (preferably from Latin America) studying environmental science.
  • Latin American Archaeology Program Fund
    Provides fellowships (primarily for students from Latin America) to pursue PhD studies in archaeology and publishes a series of bilingual volumes on archaeological research in Latin America.
  • David B. Houston Human Rights and Social Justice in Latin America Scholarship Award Fund
    Provides a cash award to students who demonstrate a clear professional commitment to social issues in Latin America.