
Publications on the Latin American and Caribbean Region at the University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh Press Latin American Series

Editor: G. Reid Andrews; Associate Editors: Catherine M. Conaghan and Jorge I. Domínguez
University of Pittsburgh Press Latin American Series Editor: G. Reid Andrews; Associate Editors: Catherine M. Conaghan and Jorge I. Domínguez

Since 1968, the University of Pittsburgh Press has published distinguished books in Latin American studies encompassing a wide range of disciplines and issues - politics and emerging democracies; business, labor, and economic development; history, religion and social policies; art and archaeology; and major works of fiction by Latin American writers in Spanish and English translation.

To browse books in the Pitt Latin American Series, click here.

Illuminations: Cultural Formations of The Americas

Editors: John Beverley and Sara Castro-Klarén

This series features cutting-edge books on Latin American and inter-American societies, histories, and cultures that offer new perspectives from postcolonial, subaltern, feminist, and cultural studies. The series concerns itself, above all, with the historical sedimentation and genealogies of Latin American cultural practices and institutions. In highlighting cultural formations of the Americas, it aims to represent work that not only is national in focus, but also crosses regions and continents, encompassing the spatial relations of Atlantic studies, of precolonial or prenational territoriality, and of U.S. Latino and other diasporic cultures.

For a list of current titles and ordering information, click here.

Bolivian Studies Journal

The  Bolivian  Studies  Journal  is  a  peer-reviewed publication that responds to  the  growing interest in understanding  the  past  and  present  of  historical  and  cultural  processes in Bolivia. Toward  this end, it promotes research that is  innovative,  interdisciplinary, and interested in critically discussing the challenges that Bolivia is making  in  the  new  millennium.  The  journal  is  also  an  effort to contribute to the vibrant and  committed   international   community  of  Bolivianists  and  welcomes  initiatives  to  re-conceptualize the theoretical and epistemological frameworks that have  traditionally oriented  interpretations  of  Bolivian history  and  culture.  We publish once  a  year  and accept  research papers, articles, documents, reviews, interviews, and discussion materials written in Spanish, English, or indigenous languages.

For more information, click here.

Cuban Studies

Founded in 1970, Cuban Studies has been published annually by the University of Pittsburgh Press since 1985. The preeminent journal for scholarly work on Cuba, each volume features articles in both English and Spanish, a large book review section, and an exhaustive compilation of recent works in the field.

For a list of available volumes and ordering information, click here.

Latin American Archeology Publications

The Latin American Archaeology Publications program, housed in the Department of Anthropology, publishes primary reports in bilingual editions on archaeological research in Latin America (Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, Latin American Archaeology Reports, Arqueología de México) and distributes books and journals on archaeology published in Latin America.

For a list of current titles and ordering information, click here.

International Institute of Iberoamerican Literature Publications

Housed in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature, the International Institute of Iberoamerican Literature (Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana) publishes the Revista Iberoamericana as well as a number of book series related to Iberoamerican literature (Biblioteca de América, Actas, Serie Críticas, Serie Nuevo Siglo, Serie Tres Ríos, and Serie ACP).

For more information, click here.

Catedral Tomada. Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana

Catedral Tomada: Revista de Crítica Literaria latinoamericana, bajo la supervisión editorial de la Universidad de Pittsburgh, es una revista diseñada e intelectualmente conceptualizada para abordar los desafíos que la crítica latinoamericana está enfrentando en el nuevo milenio, publicando en español, inglés y portugués, trabajos originales de académicos, escritores y estudiantes dedicados a la crítica literaria latinoamericana.

For more information, click here.

Las Noticias

Las Noticias is the newsletter of CLAS’ Outreach Program and is published twice a year.  It is designed to assist K-12 teachers with incorporating Latin American content into their class room lessons. In order to view this publications you must have the latest acrobat reader program (click here to install the latest version of Acrobat Reader)

LASA Forum

The LASA Forum is the quarterly newsletter of the Latin American Studies Association ( LASA )—which has been headquartered at the University of Pittsburgh since 1986.  In addition to timely, research-based articles, the newsletter provides information about LASA activities—including how to propose panels and papers for the LASA congress—and serves as an important source of information on employment, grant opportunities, and conferences of interest.  Subscription to the LASA Forum is included in membership in LASA .

For information on joining LASA , click here.

Latin American Monograph and Document Series

CLAS’ Latin American Monograph and Document Series is published on an irregular basis and includes edited volumes of conference proceedings, guides to Latin American Studies programs in a number of world areas, reprints of out-of-print materials, and original monographs on subjects related to the Latin American and Caribbean region. 

Visions of Latin America

A new organization comprised of students and members of the Latin American community. VISIONS provides a forum for elaborating ideas and concepts relevant to Latin America through a newsletter to be published every semester. The articles will be written on topics and themes related to the region.