Keila Grinberg (PhD, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2000) has recently been appointed Director of the Center for Latin American Studies and Professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh. A native of Rio de Janeiro, she joined Pitt after being a member of the History Department of the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro for almost twenty years. During that time, she also had appointments as Visiting Professor at Northwestern University and at the University of Michigan, as Tinker Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago and as the Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations at New York University. A specialist on slavery and race in the Atlantic World, she has authored, co-authored, and edited several books and articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, and Russian, including A Black Jurist in a Slave Society: Antonio Pereira Rebouças and the Trials of Brazilian Citizenship (UNC Press, 2019), a finalist of the 2020 Frederick Douglass Book Prize. She also co-directs the public digital history project "Present Pasts: Memories of Slavery in Brazil." Her most recent research project examines nineteenth-century cases of kidnapping and illegal enslavement on the southern Brazilian border. She is also interested in Jewish History, the teaching and writing of History, and memory and public history of slavery.