Student Club Coalition Form

Student Club Coalition Registration

The purpose of the Student Club Coalition is to give clubs related to Latin America, the Caribbean, and the diaspora, an opportunity to be officially related to and involved with CLAS, providing mutual support for student engagement. Being part of the coalition offers the following benefits:

  • Related clubs can receive funding for the academic year to use for programming and events

  • Related clubs' events, programming, and announcements will be featured in the CLAS weekly newsletter and/or social media

Expectations to remain in good standing with the Coalition:

  • Meetings: All SCC clubs must have a representative present at all three meeting during each semester (this can be any board member or trusted member of your organization).
  • Collaboration: We would like to see evidence of interclub and/or CLAS collaboration per academic year. Examples of interclub collaboration include: co-sponsored volunteer opportunities, a panel event, a social event, a networking event, etc. Extra funds may be available for interclub events and events co-sponsored with CLAS.
  • Newsletter promotion: CLAS events, programming, and scholarship opportunities should be promoted in the club's newsletter or during club meetings
  • Participation in the Latin American and Caribbean Festival 

Affiliated student groups will be required to renew their membership in the Student Club Coalition each academic year. To see the Coalition Members from 2021-2022, visit this page.

To register for membership in the Student Club Coalition, please fill out this Registration Form.