Emerging Latino Communities (ELC)

Emerging Latino Communities (ELC)

10:30 am to 11:30 am
Event Status
As Scheduled
Sharon Ross, School of Education

Dr. Sharon Ross, PhD, from the School of Education, will tell us about her study to support health lifestyles among with families and children in the Pittsburgh area:https://pitt.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/UCIS-CLAS/EX2ahPnevklLtCVBkps3yo8BDrF6...

Taverno Ross, S.E., Barone Gibbs, B., Documet, P.I. et al. ANDALE Pittsburgh: results of a promotora-led, home-based intervention to promote a healthy weight in Latino preschool children. BMC Public Health 18, 360 (2018).

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Hybrid event
Room 1154, Public Health & Zoom
Event Type
Reading Group
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