Farewell and Best Wishes to Manuel Roman Lacayo

Farewell and Best Wishes to Manuel Roman Lacayo

Farewell and Best Wishes to
Manuel Roman Lacayo
Dear CLAS students, faculty, and friends,

It is with mixed emotions that I share the news of Manuel Roman Lacayo's departure from the Center for Latin American Studies. After almost five years, Manuel has decided to move on to pursue new opportunities, and while we are sad to see him leave, we are excited about the journey that lies ahead for him.

During his time with us, Manuel has been an invaluable member of our team, bringing a positive presence and a wonderful sense of humor to our Center and the whole UCIS. His dedication and expertise have significantly impacted CLAS’s daily activities and special series, such as Charlemos, CLAS Cinema Film Series, and Crimes Against Humanity in Latin America. His warmth and welcoming attitude towards new faculty, including myself, visiting scholars, and international students, will be greatly missed. For those who have had the pleasure of working closely with Manuel, you know that his commitment to excellence and his willingness to go above and beyond have been truly inspiring.

Manuel’s last day will be Friday, May 31st and as he embarks on this new chapter of his career, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for his contributions to our Center and Pitt. We wish him nothing but success and happiness in his future endeavors.

Please join me in thanking Manuel for his dedication and wishing him all the best as he takes this next step. While we will miss having him as part of our team, we know he will always be a valued CLAS member.

All the best, 
Keila Grinberg
CLAS Director

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