This will be the last CLAS Newsletter for 2022. Marked by great accomplishments and progress, the last 12 months are now something to build upon. As the Fall semester draws to a close and students face a crucial grading phase, we continue to develop ways to nurture their aims and aspirations. We expect 2023 to bring a clearly consolidated and planned Amazon Studies Program and the culmination of processes resulting in additional multi-disciplinary certificates. Similarly, we are actively pursuing innovative international partnerships and agreements. Complementary funding sources and additional faculty support are also in the works, and we expect the Center to continue its upward trajectory.
None of this would be possible without faculty involvement, student enthusiasm and the trust we earn from our donors, funding organizations and UCIS. We are grateful for being able to grow and contribute to Latin American Hemispheric studies while engaging with our local community in essential ways. We look forward to a fantastic Winter Break.