Afro-Latin American Consortium
Photo creds: Melissa Blackall
Since 2013, a group of institutions and research groups across the Americas have been working together to expand and consolidate the field of Afro-Latin American Studies. Centered on the histories, cultures, and experiences of Africans and of people of African descent in Latin America, this multidisciplinary academic field represents a major engine for inclusion and racial justice in Latin America. With a generous $1.7 million dollar grant from the Ford Foundation, these groups have now constituted the University Consortium on Afro-Latin American Studies, with representatives from Mexico (Afrodescendientes y Diversidad Cultural, INAH / Universidad Autonoma de Mexico), Colombia (Centro de Estudios Afrodiaspóricos, Universidad ICESI), Brazil AFRO Núcleo Pesquisa e Formação Raça, Gênero, Justiça Racial, CEBRAP), Argentina Grupo de Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos, Universidad de Buenos Aires), and the United States (Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, and Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Harvard University). We seek to expand and institutionalize the field of Afro-Latin American Studies, transforming it into an engine for racial justice and inclusion.