Welcome back! The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) Team is thrilled to kick-off another academic year. Though students started moving in two weeks ago and classes started last week, the Labor Day weekend gives the pause to look forward to exciting opportunities, academic growth, falling leaves and days growing shorter. As in years past, the CLAS Newsletter will be issued monthly, though complemented with a weekly Digest of upcoming events. This year we have Dr. Lorena Da Silva Telles as our first recipient of the University Consortium for Afro Latin American Studies Post Doctoral Scholar award. Dr. Telles comes to us from Sao Paolo, Brazil, and will be a constant presence in the Center through the 2023-2024 academic year.
For the month of September, we will also have Sara Wagner York, a Brazilian activist, journalist, and scholar of trans issues. Though she returns to Brazil in October, she will remain a Research Associate for this academic year.
Please mark your calendars as we celebrate the 41st Latin American and Caribbean Festival in the Posvar Patio on September 23, from 2-8 p.m! This year we collaborated with the University Art Gallery (UAG) to feature two interesting and thought-provoking and relevant exhibitions that will be open and free to the public during the Festival: Kingdom of this World, Reimagined and Agua Firme. We know everyone who comes will find hours of engagement, entertainment, and culinary treats, so program accordingly!
We would be remiss if were not to mention that once again, CLAS will support and promote the celebrations of both, the Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15- Oct 15), as well as the Indigenous Cultural Festival (with an exhibit at the Global Hub September 15-25) and culminating with the Indigenous Council of Three Rivers Pow Wow on September 23-24. Check out additional initiatives by the Pitt community, and follow CLAS on social media for Pittsburgh-wide community events celebrating this important month.
Stay tuned for a more detailed calendar of activities. As always, we welcome your questions and suggestions and look forward to seeing you!