Small Grants for Faculty Research and Travel
Each year the ESC awards small grants (amounts are usually in the range of $500) to Affiliated Faculty to provide support for research-related expenses, conferences, translations of publications, and to help sponsor visitors who will give a public lecture at the University of Pittsburgh on a topic relevant to the center.
The purpose of these awards is to supplement departmental or other funding, and the Center will usually ask about other sources of funding. If an award is granted, the ESC requests that the Center be acknowledged as a co-sponsor of any lecture or activity that receives funding. The ESC will also help publicize such co-sponsored events to students, faculty, and community members.
Small grants are available to Affiliated Faculty on a rolling basis, with one half of the funds made available for successful applications submitted during the first half of the University’s fiscal year (July – December) and the other half available for applications submitted during the second half of the fiscal year (January – June). Applicants submitting proposals after all the funds earmarked for a given 6-month period have been spent will be offered the opportunity to resubmit during the next 6-month period. Funding for successful proposals submitted in July – December must be spent by the end of the subsequent June. Funding for successful proposals submitted in January – June must be spent by the beginning of the subsequent December.
Application Procedure
There is no fixed deadline, and Affiliated Faculty may apply at any time during the year. Applications must be submitted 60 days in advance of the event. Grant applications will be reviewed beginning on the first business day of the month. If you do not receive notification by the beginning of the second week of the month, please check in with us. Faculty should apply for an ESC Small Grant by emailing following documents to the Associate Director, Erica Edwards: 1) a short summary of the project, its aims and outcomes and requested funds, this document should indicate title of the project. 2) In case of a conference trip, please submit an abstract of the project, title, place, organizers and - whenever possible - 3) program and confirmation of participation (that the abstract was accepted) in the conference or symposium. 4) applicants should indicate the detailed budget for the project, other possible funding sources, and the amount requested from the ESC. Your application must be submitted 60 days before the planned event or travel. Receipts for expenses should be submitted within ten days of conclusion of event or travel.
Allowable Expenses:
- Ground and air transportation to and from research site, lodging.
- On-campus and on-site research assistance (work study, translator, etc.).
- Copy and other duplication costs.
- Books and subscriptions, if justifiably necessary for the research project.
- Ground and air transportation to and from the conference or workshop site.
- Visa fees.
- Lodging and meal expenses
- Duplication of papers for use at the conference or workshop.
- Registration fee for conference or workshop.
- Payment to foreign national firms for services provided outside the United States
Non-allowable Expenses:
- Travel expenses for individuals other than the applicant or a University of Pittsburgh student serving as a research assistant
- Payment to foreign national individuals for services provided outside the United States
- Equipment
- Alcoholic beverages
- Any conference travel expenses if applicant does not present a paper at conference or workshop
- Membership fees
- Any expenses unrelated to the proposed activities