The Qur’an and Islamic Art (Curriculum)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

• explain how the Qur’anic prohibition of idolatry affects Islamic art.
• define basic terms - Qur’an, tawhid, shirk, idolatry, Arabic, calligraphy,
• use the calligram form to express an idea or image for themselves
• analyze how the Qur’an and Muslim culture have had impact upon the forms, techniques, and purposes of artistic work; explain the historical, cultural, and social context of representative works of Muslim calligraphy, e.g. a sultan’s seal, a contemporary calligram, a verse of the Qur’an, the name of Allah.

(Meets PA Standards for the Arts and Humanities 9.2 A, C, E)

See attached pdf file for full curriculum.

Fran Leap, Associate Professor of Humanities
Contributed Material: 
Target Grade Level: 
Senior High (10-12)
Seton Hill University