Opportunities for K-12 Students

GSC student opportunities are designed to encourage students to tackle overarching global themes through problem-solving activities and discussions with experts while building intellectual confidence, cross-cultural understanding, and critical language proficiency. Opportunities include: Governor’s School for Global and International Studies, Pitt Model UN, International Marketing Competition and others. 

Current Opportunities 


Governor’s School for Global and International Studies prepares high-school sophomores and juniors to understand global and transnational processes through a four-week residential program hosted at the University of Pittsburgh’s main campus. Students learn to think globally, develop their oral and written communication skills, and study critical languages with distinguished faculty and guests and a diverse group of students.  The program’s unique curriculum and residential environment encourage students to engage with the world in a fun, intense, and immersive way.  Students take three courses (Global Studies, Argumentation and a Less Commonly Taught Language) during their four weeks in the program. Applications are due in early 2024. 

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International Marketing Competition is open to all high school students who are studying a world language. Teams are created and tasked with preparing marketing strategy for a designated target market and product. Teams then present their marketing strategy to a panel of judges from academic and business communities. This competition is offered in partnership with GNC Holdings and the Cultural Communications Alliance. Registration coming soon.

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Pitt Model UN is a simulation of the sessions of the United Nations, provides an opportunity for high school students through simulation of the sessions of the United Nations. Participating students apply their studies to real-world contexts and practice diplomacy, negotiating, and resolution writing.

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