Global Health
Friday, November 2, 2018 to Sunday, November 4, 2018
With each global health crisis, the interconnectedness of populations around the globe becomes more pronounced. Diseases not only affect the health of communities, but they have a profound impact on political, economic, and social stability within countries and regions. This course engages the interdisciplinary nature of global health by approaching the issue through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) developed by the United Nations. The SDGs range in focus from good health and well-being to gender equality to clean water and sanitation to affordable, clean energy. By engaging the ways that health has a stake in these goals, the course will bring the expertise of faculty from the University of Pittsburgh and CMU as well as practitioners to understand and address the issue surrounding global health from a myriad of perspectives and avenues. With an applied focus, the course will assist students in engaging and advocating for a community on a global health issue through a policy memo. This iteration of the course will examine food insecurity and malnutrition as a part of the larger discussion on how to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages. SDGs 2 and 3 will be the primary focus of this offering.
One-credit for PITT students / 3 units for CMU students is provided for the completion of each iteration of the mini-course.
Friday, Nov. 2nd
5:00PM-5:15PM: Welcome Remarks
5:15PM-6:30PM: Jack Chow, Distinguished Service Professor, Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University
6:45PM-8:00PM: Katherine Semrau, Director of the BetterBirth Program, Adriane Labs, a joint center of Harvard Chan School of Public Health and Brigham & Women's Hospital
Saturday, Nov. 3rd
8:30AM-9:15AM: Overview on Writing a Policy Memo
9:30AM-10:45AM: Sharon Connor, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacy and Therapeutics, University of Pittsburgh
11:00AM-12:30PM: Aschale Dagnachew, Scholars at Risk, “Broken Promises: Food Security Interventions and Rural Livelihoods in Ethiopia”
12:30PM-2:00PM: Lunch Break
2:00PM-3:15PM: Leah Lizarondo, Co-Founder and CEO of 412 Food Rescue – Panel Discussion with Partners on role of food rescue and community health
3:30PM-4:45PM: Workshop on Planning and Researching a Policy Memo
Sunday, Nov. 4th
9:00AM-10:15AM: Danielle Wenner, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University
10:30AM-11:30AM: Workshop on Adapting to Your Policy Memo Audience
11:30AM-12:00PM: Comparing Disciplines and Perspectives Worksheet