Title II Funding

Title II Funding


The K-12 Educators' Certificate in Global Studies is eligible for Title II funding through your Intermediate Unit (Pennsylvania educators only). The administration of your school must file the paperwork to receive Title II funding so you will need to contact whoever handles Title II applications in your school or district. 


Teachers should get proactive with their administrations to secure these funds ahead of registering for certificate/attending programs related to certificate.
We recommend that teachers:
  • Identify the administrator in their building/district who handles applications for Title II funds.
  • Communicate with the administrator to make them aware that the teacher wants to acquire funds for this program. It would be good at that point to have the program description to give to the administrator.
  • Find out whether the school/district has funds available in its allotment or whether their allotment has been reached for the year. Since allotments follow the state’s fiscal year, a teacher would apply before school lets out for the summer if they want funds for the following autumn. Typically, when applying for summer programs the application would need to be filed by March. For things like NCSS in Nov/Dec the application would be filed in September so for a second semester course it is likely that the application will be due in October. Some schools hand out funds to individual teachers and some divide funds among departments so it’s important to know each school’s policy.
  • Give the administrator a lead time of about two months. This often depends on the person at the IU and teachers from across the state will be working with different IUs. 
  • In some cases, Title II books and pays for things up front but in some cases, they reimburse the school or teacher, meaning that the teacher will have to pay up front.