CLAS Weekly Digest (02/16/2021)

CLAS Weekly Digest (02/16/2021)

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Starting this week, Newsletter Subscribers will receive Digests (like this one) to highlight events and deadlines for the week ahead. Our Newsletters will instead be published monthly, on the first week of every month, and will continue to encompass an inclusive compendium of events, opportunities, and resources. We hope that you consider this change an improvement in how we share information with you.

Let us know about events going on in the community. We will publish these events in our Monthly Newsletter. To submit events, click "HERE"

by Caelan Hidalgo Schick
5:30 p.m.
February 17, 2021

The Latin America and the Caribbean Competency Virtual Series is an opportunity for students to learn more about different topics related to this area and connect with the guest speakers outside of the classroom environment.
For more information and registration, click "HERE"

Friday, February 19, 2021
4:15 p.m. EST
The lack of resources for mental health and disabilities in Chile represents a pattern of slow but progressive growth in Latin America. The current health insurance system creates segmentation among high-risk individuals, which has caused an accumulation of people with psychiatric disabilities in the public sector. 

Session 1: Wednesday, February 17th,  7-8 pm
Zoom link: For more information, click "HERE"
Session 2:  Monday, February 22nd, 7-8 pm
Zoom link: For more information, click "HERE"
Session 3: Tuesday, March 2nd, 5-6 pm
Zoom link: For more information, click "HERE"

Monday, February 22, 2021
3:00 p.m. EST

Cora Fernández Anderson (Mount Holyoke College) will talk about her new book, Fighting for Abortion Rights in Latin America: Social Movements, State Allies, and Institutions and Mariela Daby (Reed College) and Mason Moseley (West Virginia University) will discuss their new article, "Feminist Mobilization and the Abortion Debate in Latin America: Lessons from Argentina," published in Politics & Gender. The talk will be in Spanish.

For more information and registration, click "HERE"

CLAS Faculty Research Grants Application--Summer 2021, click “HERE”

CLAS Graduate Student Field Research Grants Application--Summer 2021, click “HERE”


Luis Van Fossen Bravo is the Academic Advisor for the Center for Latin American Studies, and would be happy to meet with you to discuss your academic aspirations and career goals.

To schedule a meeting, click "HERE"

The aim of the internship is to involve CLAS certificate student(s) in organizations that work in and with the Latinx community in Southwestern Pennsylvania and leverage the skills and language acquired during their course of studies at the University of Pittsburgh.

Students and Organizations interested in finding opportunities for internships,
click "HERE"

The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) and CLAS have had strong ties for many decades. They have compiled a comprehensive list of event videos hosted by different universities since the pandemic started and we are very glad to contribute to this great initiative. To see videos, click "HERE"
Copyright © 2020 Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, All rights reserved.
230 S. Bouquet Street | 4200 Posvar Hall | Pittsburgh, Pa 15260

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