Gianluca Passarelli is Professor in Political Science at the Department of Political Sciences, Sapienza University, Roma. He is also researcher of the Istituto Carlo Cattaneo and member of Italian National Election Studies. Gianluca's main research interests concern: presidents of the Republic, political parties, electoral systems, elections and electoral behaviour.
He is author, among others, of: The Preferential Voting Systems (Palgrave 2020); Eleggere il Presidente. Gli Stati Uniti da Roosevelt a oggi (2020, Marsilio, with F. Clementi); La Lega di Salvini. Estrema destra di governo (2018, Il Mulino, with D. Tuorto); The Presidentialization of Political Parties (2015).
Gianluca is also a member of the Executive Committee of the ECPR. He shares with JFK, J-P Sartre, Malcom X, W. Allen, V. van Gogh only the hair color. Alas!
In spring term 2022 he is in residence at Pitt as the Fulbright Distinguished Chair.