TPEC Conference on Energy Transitions
June 3 - 4, 2022
At the University of Pittsburgh and On-line (Register)
Post-Paris Energy Transition Workshop
The ESC Energy Transition Conference is a timely conference to examine the progress of the EU member countries following the Paris Climate Agreement in advancing renewable energy adoption and their strategies employed to achieve this progress. Post Paris, European Union (EU) leaders decided to raise the EU’s 2030 targets for renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency from 30 percent to 32 percent and 32.5 percent respectively. This translates to GHG emissions reduction of 45 percent in 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). This new target is 5 percentage points more ambitious than the EU’s “Nationally Determined Contribution” committed under the Paris climate agreement.
The conference addresses the following questions:
What is the status of progress of European countries in reaching their targets under the Paris Climate Agreement?
Specifically how far have these countries progressed in achieving their renewable energy goals?
What the successful tools employed by European countries to transition the power sector towards greater shares of renewable energy?
What are economic tools used to encourage the switch to greater shares of renewable energy?
What strategies are used to encourage political buy-in from the general public?
What strategies were used to overcome the political resistance from the fossil fuel sector and workers in those sectors?
The conference will pay special attention to the issue of Just Transition. Just Transition is a value embedded in the Paris Climate Agreement, which states “the imperative of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities.” The Just Transition discussions during the United Nations climate negotiations recognize that the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy pose the challenge of job losses and social dislocation in communities that rely on fossil fuel extraction.
Policies that address the employment needs and that create investment opportunities for a new economic pathway in these communities are critical to avoid adverse impacts on these communities. Policies such as community ownership of electricity generation plants and transmission lines, seen in Germany and Denmark, have also helped with broadening the economic benefits from the energy transition. The International Labor Organization published the Guidelines for a Just Transition towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All. However, the critical challenge is to operationalize this ambition.
Pre-registration required. To register, please click
NOTE: In-person participation is only available to Pitt community members with valid Pitt Oakland IDs. Any non-Pitt community members wishing to participate may do so virtually.
This workshop is funded in large part by a Jean Monnet Network Grant (Transatlantic Perspectives on Energy and Cities-TPEC) through the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission. Any ideas or opinions expressed during the workshop do not reflect those of the European Union.
As of May 27th, the University of Pittsburgh now requires masks to be worn indoors in all campus buildings. In an effort to de-densify the conference room, we ask that all interested in attending the workshop, please do so virtually. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
(Agenda is still subject to change)
Times are in EST.
Friday, June 3rd
Day 1; Presentations will be given based on country expertise
8:00 am
Welcome Remarks
8:03 am
Keynote presented by Jim Skea
France presented by Patrice Geoffron
9:45 am
Theme: Fossil Fuel Economies
10:00 am
United States presented by Shanti Gamper-Rabindran
10:45 am
Scotland presented by Jim Skea
11:30 am
11:45 am
Discussions: Comparative lessons from the presentations
12:30 pm
Canada presented by Nancy Olewiler
1:15 pm
Saturday, June 4th
Day 2; Presentations will be given based on country expertise
Theme: Renewable Energy and Strategies for Equitable Benefits
8:00 am
Italy presented by Andrea Prontera
8:45 am
Spain presented by Pablo del Rio Gonzalez
9:30 am
Theme: O&G Companies Transitioning to Renewable Energy
9:45 am
Denmark presented by Mogens Rudiger
10:30 am
Norway presented by Espen Moe
11:15 am
Theme: Europe’s Energy Transition
11:30 am
Germany presented by Miranda Schreurs
12:15 pm
Discussions: Europe’s Energy Transition
1:15 pm
Research Directions and Concluding Remarks
Plenary Speaker
Jim Skea, Imperial College London, Co-Chair IPCC Working Group III
Dörte Ohlhorst, Technical University of Munich
Miranda Schreurs, Technical University of Munich
Patrice Geoffron University of Paris Dauphine
Andrea Prontera, University of Macerata, Italy
Pablo del Rio Gonzalez, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
Espen Moe, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Mogens Rüdiger, Aalborg University, Denmark
Kacper Szulecki University of Oslo
Nancy Olewiler, Simon Fraser University
United States:
Shanti Gamper-Rabindran
Additional information can be found on Professor Shanti Gamper-Rabindran's website.
Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission through a Jean Monnet Network Grant (TPEC).