Horror Genre as a Social Force

6:00 pm
Event Status
As Scheduled
A UHC scholar community is a collaborative, interdisciplinary group of people who share interests in researching issues, imagining projects, resolving problems, and learning from each other’s experiences. The “Horror Genre as a Social Force” scholar community seeks to build on existing Pitt initiatives devoted to the scholarly study of horror in its social, historical, cultural, political, and artistic forms. Key partners include the Global Studies Center (home of the Global Horror Studies Archival and Research Network), the University Library System (home of the George A. Romero Collection and the Horror Studies Archive), the Department of English, the Film and Media Studies Program, and the George A. Romero Foundation. At this session, we will have a chance to meet each other, discuss projects in progress, and imagine projects to come that connect to horror studies conceived as broadly and ambitiously as possible. Your curiosity is much more important than any expertise in horror! Faculty and Staff Event Link: https://pitt.zoom.us/s/96802462278 There will be a separate information session for students earlier that same day: Friday, October 9th at 2:00pm. Zoom link: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/96813508616
Event Type
Panel Discussion
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