Latino Community Center


212 9th Street, 5th Floor

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Volunteering opportunities: 
Region of Focus: 
Scholarships offered: 

Unlike other areas in the United States, the Latino Community in Allegheny County is dispersed and not concentrated in one specific area. With this in mind, our Community Based Programming looks differently in different neighborhoods. Our mission through our CBP is to connect with Latinos in the neighborhoods they call home, and ensure they are connected to their neighborhood of choice and are taking advantage of the different resources around them. Likewise, we work with community organizations to support them in expanding their services and resources to our community. In some neighborhoods, this means bringing and creating programming like afterschool programs in order to better serve our community. In other areas it is making the connection with partner organizations to bring English classes, DV support services and other resources to the area.

Along with these programs the Latino Community Center provides college readiness programs for Latino students, advocacy programs and welcome programs.

Research opportunities: 
Region of Focus: