City of Pittsburgh Human Relations


Pittsburgh, PA

Region of Focus: 

Commission on Human Relations

Anyone who lives, works, or visits Pittsburgh has a legal right to opportunity and access to housing, employment, and public accommodations. The Commission on Human Relations (PghCHR) investigates instances of discrimination and seeks resolutions for anyone who has experienced harm because of discrimination. We are more than just an agency that enforces laws. We work with communities, and public and private organizations, to proactively educate people about equal rights and opportunities.

The PghCHR has the power to enforce punitive legal action, but our Commissioners recognize that constructive resolutions, such as mandating trainings and policy changes, are more likely to lead to changes in behavior and changes in practice. We are dedicated to creating positive change and promoting equality, which stands out in our efforts to proactively work with communities, businesses, and organizations to prevent and recognize discrimination.

Region of Focus: