Panel: The Capitol Insurrection in Global Perspective

Friday, February 26, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Virtual - Zoom

Many Americans, including most commentators in the mainstream media, have tried to make sense of the events of January 6, 2021 in terms of US racism, QAnon, and Trumpism – as a distinctly American phenomenon. Those are of course crucial parts of the story but treated in isolation from global processes, that story is incomplete and dangerously misleading.

This panel will explore the urgency of situating the Capitol Insurrection in a broader historical and transnational framework highlighting the complex dynamics of empire and colonialism, global white supremacy, militarized and racialized policing, and neoliberal capitalism. Join our panel of experts, moderated by Global Studies Center Director Michael Goodhart: Dr. Errol Henderson of Penn State, Dr. Jeanne Morefield of the University of Birmingham, Dr. Stuart Schrader of Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Nikhil Singh of New York University.

Henderson Ph.D
Associate Professor, Political Science, Pennsylvania State University
Errol A. Henderson is Associate Professor of International Relations (IR). He earned a PhD in Political Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has authored 50 scholarly publications including five books—the latest on the black liberation struggle of the 1960s-70s. He is presently working on two books: (1) on the role of white racism in IR; and (2) on gender and the Urban Peace and Justice Movement of the 1980s-90s in the US. Henderson established the Diasporas and Politics (DAP) project in 2019 to analyze the influence of racial and religious diasporas in world affairs. He is an original co-sponsor of the Liberation Film Series at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, MI. A member of a variety of professional, academic and activist organizations, Henderson is a veteran of the US Army. He also has been outspoken in challenging white supremacism in academia: Being Black at Penn State.
Goodhart Ph.D
Professor, Political Science, Director Global Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh
Michael Goodhart is Professor of Political Science, and he holds secondary appointments in Philosophy and in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies. He is Director of the Global Studies Center at Pitt and a University Honors College Faculty Fellow. His current research focuses on questions to do with global injustice and responsibility for injustice and in the ways in which political theorists think about these problems. He is also interested in human rights praxis as a form of counter-hegemonic politics under neoliberalism. His core intellectual interests are in the theory and practice of democracy and human rights in the context of globalization and in related questions concerning global justice, democratic governance, and political responsibility at the transnational level.
Morefield Ph.D
Associate Professor, Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham
Jeanne Morefield is a Senior Lecturer in political theory at the University of Birmingham and currently the Co-President of the Association for Political Theory. Her scholarship sits at the intersection of political theory, history, and international relations with a specific focus on the relationship between liberal politics and ideology (domestic and international) and the legacies and contemporary practices of British and U.S. imperialism. Dr. Morefield is the author of Empires Without Imperialism: Anglo American Decline and the Politic of Deflection (Oxford University Press: 2014) and Covenants Without Swords: Idealist Liberalism and the Spirit of Empire (Princeton University Press: 2005). She is currently completing a book examining the political thought of Edward Said. She has written articles for academic journals such as History of Political Thought, Political Theory, and Theory and Event and her more popular work has appeared in The Boston Review.
Schrader Ph.D
Lecturer, Sociology, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Schrader is the Associate Director of the Program in Racism, Immigration, and Citizenship and a Lecturer / Assistant Research Scientist at John Hopkins University. He is also affiliated with the 21st Century Cities Initiative. I received my PhD in American Studies from NYU in 2015. Before coming to Hopkins, Dr. Schrader was a postdoctoral fellow at the Charles Warren Center at Harvard University and the Center for the United States and the Cold War at the Tamiment Library at New York University. At Hopkins, he is teaching courses on police and prisons, Black social movements, and critical race theory, listed in Africana Studies, International Studies, Political Science, and Sociology.
Singh Ph.D
Professor, Social and Cultural Analysis, Director Prison Education, NYU
Nikhil Pal Singh is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis and History at New York University, and Founding Faculty Director of the NYU Prison Education Program. A historian of race, empire, and culture in the 20th-century United States, Singh is the author, most recently, of Race and America’s Long War (University of California Press, 2017). He is also the author of the award-winning book, Black Is a Country: Race and the Unfinished Struggle for Democracy (Harvard University Press, 2004), and author and editor with Jack O’Dell of Climin’ Jacob’s Ladder; The Black Freedom Movement Writing of Jack O’Dell. A new book Exceptional Empire: Race, Colonialism and the Origins of US Globalism is in-progress, and forthcoming from Harvard University Press. Singh’s writing and historian interviews have appeared in a number of places including New York Magazine, TIME, the New Republic, and on NPRs Open Source and Code Switch.


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Global Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Michael Goodhart