Five Colleges Center for East Asian Studies NCTA Summer Institute: Ties that Bind the U.S. and East Asia: Boston

Image by Aurore Duwez from Pixabay

FCCEAS NCTA Summer Institute
Ties that Bind the U.S. and East Asia: Boston
July 29-August 2, 2020
Cambridge, MA

Connections between East Asia and the U.S. began with whalers and traders in the colonial era and continue until today. The greater Boston area offers the opportunity to delve deep into these connections which are documented through images, narratives and resources in the FCCEAS Ties that Bind project. In this FCCEAS NCTA summer residential workshop, participants will explore these links through visits to Chinatown, the Museum of Fine Arts, Salem, and more. Participants will also learn how to use these connections in their classrooms, and discover how to contribute to the project.

Project developers Karl Neumann (Dana Hall School, Wellesley, MA) and Anne Prescott (FCCEAS Director) will guide the learning activities. Teachers will be invited to return to their communities and research people, places and events to add to the Ties that Bind project, and will be eligible for stipends for that work. 

Twelve K-12 in-service teachers will be accepted for this program, with preference given to World and U.S. history teachers. Participants will receive 4 nights accommodation in double rooms at the Kendall Hotel in Cambridge, meals from breakfast on Thursday through breakfast on Sunday, local public transportation, hotel parking, and admissions to museums. A limited number of travel grants to cover partial transportation costs will be available to teachers from outside New England. 

Application deadline: April 26, 2020. Successful applicants will be notified no later than May 4, 2020. 

Questions? E-mail



Five Colleges Center NCTA Summer Institute: Ties that Bind the U.S. and East Asia: Boston
Sunday, April 26, 2020 - 17:00
Summer Institutes
Event Location: 
Cambridge, MA