"The seminar…was very eye-opening. I enjoyed reading the textbook [by Charles Holcombe]…the weekly journal helped me reflect on what I’ve learned…Each time, there were so many lesson plan ideas flushed into my mind.” (Elizabethtown College seminar, PA)
"Before this seminar, I didn’t realize just how ignorant I was to the literary history of East Asia…This seminar not only gave me the background knowledge needed to be confident in evaluating texts, but it pushed my own interest in reading outside the Western canon."
[University of Maryland, Baltimore Country seminar]
"This seminar was instrumental in helping me learn more about rich cultural of the countries in East Asia. The professors and guest speakers provided me with a wealth of information to increase my limited knowledge on East Asia and its vast history. It also exposed me to a wide variety of teaching materials and gave me an opportunity to meet and talk with other teachers that both really helped to develop ideas and an excitement to introduce my students to East Asian culture." (University of Pittsburgh seminar, PA)
"Best PD ever!" [Michigan State University seminar]
"The seminar has been a great source of information and knowledge of East Asian cultures with excellent lectures and numerous resources that were provided including readings, books (classic and modern), movies." (Lehigh University seminar, PA)
"The seminar was very helpful to help me bring the content of East Asia into my World History class which is very Eurocentric. I have gotten a much-needed refresher on some topics about East Asia, and learned a plethora of new information about China, Korea, and Japan….The seminar also allowed for me to hear from other teachers about how they include this content in their courses." (University of Pennsylvania seminar, PA)
"The seminar helped me to understand the topic in the same order I hope to enlighten my seventh grade students... . First, the instructors presented the facts as I may (or may not) have learned them in the past. They knocked the dust off the history to make it epic. Then, they made the far away, the remote, the other, matter to me. And finally, they put all that culture and information in the relevant world and offered me the possibility of being part of it all. Now if I don't try to give it to my students I feel I am letting them down." (Shepherd University seminar, West VA)