External Teaching Resources
Education About Asia: Online Archive
Education About Asia: Online Archive -- The Association for Asian Studies presents a new open access online resource for educators. The Education About Asia Online Article Archive allows you to browse and download over 1,400 articles — feature articles, lesson plans, interviews, classroom resources, and book and film reviews — from twenty-four years of Education About Asia.
Ties That Bind
Ties That Bind – an innovative collaborative digital mapping project that provides opportunities for users to learn about historical and contemporary people, places, events which connect the United States and East Asia. Teachers, students, organizations with an interest in Japan, and the general public will be able to access resources chronicling the breadth and depth of our ties via our digital collection.
China Institute
The China Institute offers events, lectures, programs, exhibitions, and other educational resources about China.
Exploring Peace Education in Japan
Exploring Peace Education in Japan: In Summer 2013, NCTA Alumni had the opportunity to participate in a study tour to Japan organized by the Five College Center for East Asian Studies. The attached pdf contains the lessons and curriculum materials the NCTA alumni created as a part of their final reports.
Asia For Educators
A module based learning website by Columbia Unversity that offers resources for teachers and students about Asia in areas such as geography, art, history, language arts, and religion.
Asia Pacific Journal
Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus is a peer-reviewed on-line publication providing critical analysis of the forces shaping the Asia-Pacific and the world. The Journal explores the geopolitics, economics, history, society, culture, international relations and environment of the modern and contemporary Asia-Pacific region.
Asian Educational Media Service (AEMS)
Asian Educational Media Service
AEMS is a website designed to help educators find media resources about Asia for curriculum use.
Becoming Modern: Early 20th Century Japan Through Primary Sources
Becoming Modern: Early 20th Century Japan Through Primary Sources
A collection of teacher-developed lessons for secondary teachers that examine a critical period in Japanese and world history.
Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois
Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois
The Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies provides access to some of their curriculum materials on Kamishibai, textiles trading, Early American trade with China, and 19th century Chinese experience in America.
Cultural Encounters: Teaching Japan in World History
Cultural Encounters: Teaching Japan in World History
An online curriculum unit from the Program for Teaching East Asia at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Digital Asia
Digital Asia at the University of Illinois offers college and high school educators access to films and curriculum about contemporary East Asia, created by scholars for their students.
East Asian Studies Center at Indiana University
The East Asian Studies Center at Indiana University maintains a free lending library of media resources about East Asia that is avaialble for K-12 educators. The East Asian Studies Center also provides outreach, netowrking, education, and funding opportunities for K-12 educators.
Five College Center for East Asian Studies
The Five College Center for East Asian Studies offers a variety of links to other online resources related to East Asia.
Japan Society Webcasts
Japan Society Multimedia Archive
The Japan Society offers a wide variety of webcasts about Japanese art, food, history, politics, culture, business, and much more.
Korea Society
The Korea Society has downloadable resources about Korea or K-12 teachers
Lesson Finder
Lesson Finder: The Center for East Asian Studies at the U. of Kansas has an archive of lesson plans on East Asia searchable by grade level, region, and subject.
Primary Source
Primary Source: Offers resource guides, podcasts, and online curriculum units for K-12 educators.
Texts and Contexts: Teaching Japan through Children's Literature
The Texts and Contexts: Teaching Japan through Children's Literature at the University of Colorado Boulder online curriculum is a collection of teacher-developed, standards-based, cross-curricular K-6 lessons. Each of the six lessons features an authentic children’s literature book on an aspect of Japanese culture.
Visualizing Cultures Project at MIT
Visualizing Cultures Project at MIT: Visualizing Cultures was launched at MIT in 2002 to explore the potential of the Web for developing innovative image-driven scholarship and learning. The VC mission is to use new technology and hitherto inaccessible visual materials to reconstruct the past as people of the time visualized the world (or imagined it to be).
Topical units to date focus on Japan in the modern world and early-modern China. The thrust of these explorations extends beyond Asia per se, however, to address "culture" in much broader ways—cultures of modernization, war and peace, consumerism, images of "Self" and "Others," and so on.