The ESC is committed to enhancing undergraduate education through the interdisciplinary study of Europe and the European Union. In addition to coursework, students are encouraged to pursue opportunities outside the classroom. Information about scholarships, fellowships, and internships during and after their undergraduate career is found below. For additional information, please arrange to meet with the Undergraduate Certificate Advisor and Assistant Director, Stephen Lund.
European Studies Center Study Abroad Scholarship
This scholarship is for students who will be participating in a University of Pittsburgh (“Pitt in…”) program, during the spring, summer or fall terms. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in one of the ESC’s certificate programs, or the Related Concentration in European and Eurasian Studies. This scholarship has a rolling application deadline, and additional info can be found by clicking the application link.
Harris N. Miller and Deborah A. Kahn Study Abroad in Europe Award
This award supports undergraduate students participating in study abroad (both Pitt and non-Pitt programs), internships and research in Europe. Though preference will be given to students enrolled in the ESC’s academic programs, as well as students who have not studied abroad previously, all undergraduate students are welcome to apply. This scholarship has a rolling application deadline, and additional info can be found by clicking the application link.
Graduate Student Grants
These awards support professional development and course development innovation, particularly within our two initiatives HELMS and/or IDEAS. Grants amount to $1,000 per applicant, cohort of 3-4 per year with faculty mentors.
International Studies Fund
The International Studies Fund (ISF) is intended to help students at the University of Pittsburgh to conduct research on international issues or in international settings. "International" is defined as relating to another country or culture, comparative analysis covering more than one country or culture, studies of international relations or of transnational activities, or studies which examine topics related to global issues.
ISF grants may not be used for tuition, language study, internships, or other non-research related expenses. Conference, workshop or symposium travel is not eligible for funding under the ISF program. The application deadline is March 15.
Please note: Applications will be accepted by email only. Please download the fillable PDF application (you may type in your name instead of signing the application). Additional materials such as IRB clearance or airline ticket quotes should be included in the same email as the application and sent to, with "Your Last Name, Your First Name - ISF 2020 in the subject line of your email. For more information visit
University of Pittsburgh Opportunities
- Honors College Scholarships and Fellowships
- Nationality Room Scholarships
- Newman Award for International Intergenerational Project Initiatives
- International Studies Fund (UCIS)
- Scholarships for International Travel (UCIS)
Other Opportunities
- Boren Awards for International Study
- Congress-Bundestag Young Professionals Exchange (Germany)
- DAAD Study Abroad Scholarships
- Davis-Putter Scholarships
- European Association for International Education (EAIE) Conference
- European Commission Internships in Europe
- European Commission Internships in Washington DC
- Gilman Scholarship
- Scandinavia Study Abroad Scholarship
- Study Portals
Find more information about national scholarships for study abroad.